DM Radiocom has many years of experience in radio transmission systems design.
From transmitters to receivers, including power amplifiers and active relays, we have developed many different systems working in range of frequencies from DC to 20 GHz. You can see a part of these products hereafter .
We can design custom systems spcecially for your needs, just contact us for more information.

According to the kind of applications, the data rate needed, and the frequency bandwidth allowed, DM Radiocom adapts the kind of modulation used.
DM Radiocom has currently a wide range of modulations available :
Analog modulations: AM, FM, FSK, GMSK, but also digital modulations allowing better spectral efficiency: BPSK, DBPSK, QPSK, DQPSK, 16-QAM, 32-QAM, 64-QAM...and digital PCM FM tier0, SOQPSK-TG tier1.
For others modulations, contact us.

In harsh environments, when high reliability is required, to prevent inter symbol interference (ISI) due to multipaths, it's necessary to add a signal processing stage in the system. This is why we use DSSS, COFDM, and diversity technics.

A lot of applications require video transmission with very low latency. There are two ways to achieve it:
Analog video transmission using classic modulations, involving a large amount of bandwidth and very sensitive to multipaths.
The other way is digital video transmission providing more flexibility for signal processing, modulation choice and allowing to use technics like DSSS, COFDM and diversity.
Before transmitting digital video, it's necessary to reduce the amount of video data. To obtain high compression rate, with great picture quality, very low latency, we use real time MJPEG2000 or H264 hardware encoder and decoder.